Good St. Joseph is one of the most beloved saints in the Catholic Church. Although he enjoys many designations (Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patron of the Universal Church, Head of the Holy Family), on May 1, we celebrate another of St. Joseph’s esteemed titles- St. Joseph, the Worker. Click here to go to the blog.
n Good Shepherd Sunday (April 25, 2021), Catholics reflect on how Jesus, who speaks of himself as the “good shepherd,” lays downs his life for his sheep and how we, the faithful, can become more like the Good Shepherd in our daily lives through self-sacrifice, love, and uniting together under our loving God. Fittingly, it is the day that has been selected for “One Shepherd, One Flock,” a live, virtual, and interactive gathering for all Maine Catholic youth on Sunday, April 25, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. As was done last year, you can meet as a group at one location or individually at home. Click here for the full story.