The Diocese of Portland’s Office of the Tribunal will lead a presentation and discussion on the annulment process in the Catholic Church in Augusta this November. The event will be held at St. Augustine Church, located on 24 Washington Street in Augusta, on Tuesday, November 16, at 6:30PM. Click here for more information.
The 2021 Maine Catholic Men’s Conference will feature a nationally renowned speaker and best-selling author as well as Mass with Bishop Robert Deeley on Sat., Nov. 13, at the St. John’s Community Center, located on 43 Pleasant Street in Brunswick. Catholic men are invited to attend the conference which will dive deeply into the concept of living and leading with “courageous humility.” The program will run from 8:30AM - 2:30PM and also includes local presenters, lunch, the opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation, and eucharistic adoration. Admission to the conference is $60 and includes lunch. Click here for more information or to register.