The Roman Catholic Church does not permit priests to marry. Priests in the Orthodox Catholic Church and in other Rites of the Church of Rome, e.g. Byzantine Rite, are permitted to marry but must be married prior to being ordained a priest. A life of celibacy allows a priest to live with the single purpose of serving God and the Church with an undivided heart.
Why doesn’t the Catholic Church allow women to be priests?
The Church states that the priest acts “in persona Christi”, meaning “in the person of Christ”. Jesus gave the power of the priesthood to his apostles at the Last Supper in telling them to “do this in memory of me”. The Catholic priesthood is a continuation of that command.
I’m thinking of becoming a priest. What should I do?
First of all, continue to pray and ask God if this is His will for you. Then, consider speaking with a priest in your local parish or contact the Diocesan Office of Vocations.