"The most effective catechetical program for adolescents are integrated
into a comprehensive program of pastoral ministry for youth that includes
catechesis, community life, evangelization, justice and service,
leadership development, pastoral care, and prayer and worship.
Such programs aim to empower young people to live as disciples of
Jesus Christ in our world today; to draw young people to responsible
participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community;
and to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person."
(National Directory for Catechesis, p. 201)
Corpus Christi High School Youth Ministry is a group of teenage youth looking to grow in their faith. We meet once a week to have catechetical discussions, do service projects, and of course, have fun!
High School Youth Ministry meets on Sundays from 6-8 PM at the St. John Center in Winslow.
All high school students are welcome.
For more information contact Gayle Martin, 872-2281.
Nativity Series Part 6 of 6 The nativity blog series is an invitation to “enter into” the manger scene and ponder where you are in relation to Jesus. ____________________ Here’s a joke from the...
Nativity Series Part 5 of 6 The nativity blog series is an invitation to “enter into” the manger scene and ponder where you are in relation to Jesus. ____________________ It’s kind of funny that...
Nativity Series Part 4 of 6 The nativity blog series is an invitation to “enter into” the manger scene and ponder where you are in relation to Jesus. ____________________ Think back to the day you...